Mail Forwarding Service


Mail Forwarding Service is a paid option where a person or company will use a paid address for listing purposes. Once mail comes to the paid address, the service provider will forward the mail to you. This will be done by scanning the mail or putting mail in a separate envelope and shipping it to your private address.

This service is highly recommended. Many people that own a Wyoming LLC and have their mail forwarded to them from a Wyoming address associated with the Wyoming LLC. But even if you live in the same state as your LLC is organized under, it is still recommended to have mail forwarding for privacy reasons.


How Does Mail Forwarding Work?

Mail forwarding is a fairly simple process that puts in work for you right away. You will purchase a mail forwarding address from a provider, preferably the same as your Registered Agent. Once mail arrives at the address you list for your business, the provider will forward the mail to you through paid mail, mail scanning, or both.


Forwarding Mail with First Class Mail

Physical mail forwarding is the act of receiving mail at a paid address for someone or an LLC and then forwarding the mail in a separate envelope at another address where the addressee is located. Physical mail forwarding services traditionally use the USPS for sending envelopes to your desired address. This is a great way to stay private by using a paid address for your business entity. A Registered Agent will usually provide mail forwarding as part of their yearly price.



Be sure to check if your Registered Agent offers package forwarding along with mail forwarding. What shipping service do they use? What are the rates? These are the questions you need to ask.


Business Mail Scanning

Scanned mail forwarding service involves opening the received mail and scanning it into a computer. The saved scan images are then sent to you directly or put into a customer management system for your viewing. This is a fast way to see the mail for your LLC/Corporation that has arrived at your paid mailing address.

If you are going to purchase a mail scanning service instead of physical mail forwarding service, try to find a Registered Agent that will put your mail in a ZIP file with password protection. If this is a safe form of communication for the IRS, it must be secure for your LLC or Corporation.


Registered Agents that Offer Mail Forwarding Service

Not every Registered Agent will offer mail forwarding service themselves. Often you will see the agent use a third party for forwarding purposes.


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